Total of 2 hours of dancing time:
- First hour – finalized Wannabe & 트월ㅋ
- Second hour – selected the song: This Is Me by Keala Settle and choreographed 40~50 seconds
As it was our first attempt at creating choreography, it was difficult yet exciting and entertaining. First, we individually had 3~5 minutes to select music representing our lyrical dance performance. In the end, we decided to choose This Is Me by Keala Settle. We then immediately played the songs and danced to the flow to view which type of movement seemed connected and correlated with the beat and the message of the music. One by one, we were able to both agree and disagree with the opinions that were exposed which resulted in a 40~50 second dance. Although it was difficult, as this was our first time choreographing, it was still extremely fun since we got to see our developing creativity and improved dance skills.