24.1~11 Research Question: To what extent are cultural dimensions valid when predicting individual differences in coping mechanisms? Reflection 1: Before acknowledging the existence of EE, …
24.5.4 Today was our last performance of this project. More because we imputed a new choreography, I was extra nervous today. However, I was so …
EFA: Practice 3 – Push
24.4.28 Today, we worked on all the dances. From there, we decided to match the details. We spent most of the time figuring out “FEARLESS” …
24.4.19~22 The SFS team participated in the APAC at TCIS. There, I played seven games in total, and honestly, it was one of the most …
EFA: Practice 2 – Continuation
24.4.15 Accomplished: Continuing from last practice, we worked on the dance called “FEARLESS” by Leal Serafim. To be honest, this dance was the hardest so …
EFA: Practice 1 – Another Start!
24.4.10 Accomplished: Reflection: Initially, we thought that sending the request to more than three places would create a conflict due to the overload. However, we …
Badminton: Importance of FlOW
24.2.22 Today’s game was against KIS, and my goal for this game was to hit the clear as long and curve-like as possible. As I …
Julia’s Stand-up Comedy
24.2.22 After preparing for about a month, I finally performed my stand-up comedy about the complexities and advantages of being Russian. My global issue was …
23.12.23 Right after the first performance was today’s performance. Honestly, I felt like a K-POP idol moving everywhere to perform. The main theme for this …
23.12.22 Wearing black and red to present Christmas vibes, we finally arrived at the nursing home to perform for the very first time. In the …