Today was a special outing since I was able to lead it. From start to beginning, I took control of the activities, schedule, the food we’re going to eat, just EVERYTHING. As usual, the general members and executives gathered in the middle school atrium to quickly run through today’s schedule. Unlike other outings, our team decided to allow general members to also contribute in this outing by suggesting and implementing activities with their ideas. One of the activities we decided to proceed with was the paper airplane, which was the first activity we did. It may sound boring, but it is still one of the most memorable activities as they had a lot of fun decorating and flying the paper airplane. The second activity was, obviously, soccer! The Angels’ Haven meeting is not Angles’ Haven meeting without soccer. However, before we proceed any further, we put a yoga lesson in the middle to avoid any injuries since we know too well that the EBR men put their souls in when playing soccer with us. So, after a short yoga lesson, we played soccer for about an hour. We ate and we did some karaoke singing. Next, we did an award ceremony with actual printed papers to display gratitude towards each other. After that, I dismissed everyone. Today was a short meeting, but it was still impactful not only due to the fact that today was the first outing that I personally led, and due to how different the additives was.