There were a total of two auditions for a so-called “private popular sports brand.” The first audition was based on submitting a video. I had to make a script and act as if I was a senior acting like a bully to the underclassmen. I got somehow accepted to the first audition. The second audition was physical, where I had to attend a place to do a camera testing. However, due to an issue in the schedule, I couldn’t attend the second audition. I thought this was over, but somehow I got accepted and I got the position. It was weird. Maybe the video I sent to them was strong…? Till today, I have no idea what made me accepted but YAY!

Camera testing/fitting:
It was the day of fitting where I had to try on more than 20 clothes to show how I fitted in front of more than 15 staff. After I changed into my first outfit, I went into where the staff were, and for some reason my head turned white. It was because from then I realized I am prompting NIKE. Not just any other brand, but globally qualified brand NIKE.When I entered the room, there were also foreigners and a translator that helped them and us. My brave soul went in and said, “I can speak English.” No one really cared since they were busy looking at the outfit, but the translator had some break. Although there was minimal interaction between the staff and I, I wanted this moment to be memorable so that they could notice me during the actual filming session.

Actual filming:
It was the day of filming. I gathered with the other main actresses like me in a large room at a school. As I looked around, I noticed that the room was solely for us. I looked outside the window and saw about 70 extras filming another scene. This is when I noticed that I made another step into my acting process. The fact that I had a role. This was more prominent when I realized I ate a large lunch that had various side dishes while the other extras had kimbap (Korean style rolled up rice). I was proud, simply because it was different. Now it was our turn. The first scene we took was when we bribed the underclassmen. It was when I shoved my shoes and clothes to the underclassmen and acted evil. The next scene was the running scene. I piggybacked on one of the lightest girls who I bribed. We had to act happy and joyful, which was difficult to do while piggyback riding a girl on my back. The next scene was when we had to lay down and play volleyball in the grass. Although I despised bugs, I kept reminding myself that this is a NIKE advertisement. So, without any whining, I layed down, acting like we absolutely loved the grass.
Although it took me the entire day to film this, I was only in the NIKE commercial for one second. I AM STILL PROUD.